2nd Annual TDR Rando Photo Roundup

Even though the photo contest is now at a close, I thought people might enjoy a little wrap-up about this year’s contest. Plus, I was so impressed by the spreadsheet usage at our local club’s annual meeting, that I wanted to try my hand at a couple of spreadsheets, too! Here are the results of my effort.

Number of Entries for Each Category

  1. Wild Card: 17 photos.
  2. Spirit of Randonneuring: 16 photos.
  3. Obligatory Cow Photo/Nature Shot: 15 photos.
  4. Randonneur Lifestyle: 14 photos.
2nd Annual TDR Rando Photo Contest

Types of Events Represented.

  • 28 photos featured 200Ks.
  • 13 photos were of 1000K rides. (7 of these featured the Santa Cruz Central Coast 1000K.)
  • 5 photos of 300Ks.
  • 4 Fleche photos.
  • 4 Permanents.
  • 3 pictures of 400Ks.
  • 2 Populaire photos.
  • 2 photos of 1200Ks. (Both pics were of the Seattle Randonneurs Cascade 1200K)
  • 1 photo of a 600K. (Where is the love for the 600K??)

What does it all mean? I have no idea, but it is interesting to note that just shy of half of all pictures submitted were of 200Ks.

Photos of Club Events.

Many clubs had photos represented through our randonneur photo contest, even though the randonneur submitting the photo may have hailed from another club (e.g., a PA randonneur riding a DC Randonneurs ride). The breakdown by club follows. These totals do not include Permanents. In addition, some clubs are not as familiar to me so if I have made a mistake with a club title, let me know and I will correct it accordingly.

  • Alaska Randonneurs: 4 photos.
  • DC Randonneurs: 9.
  • Harpeth Bicycle Club: 2.
  • Hill Country Randonneurs: 1.
  • North Carolina Bicycle for Life: 3.
  • NC Randonneurs: 4.
  • New Jersey Randonneurs: 2.
  • Oregon Randonneurs: 7.
  • Pennsylvania Randonneurs: 9.
  • Santa Cruz Randonneurs: 8.
  • San Francisco Randonneurs: 3.
  • Seattle Randonneurs: 6.

What about the photographers?

I noted this previously, but submissions came from randonneurs throughout the country. Specifically,

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Maryland
  • New Jersey
  • North Carolina
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington!

Thanks to the variety of submissions, I was treated to a virtual look inside many of the great rides that occurred throughout the country. It’s a real treat to to look at these challenging events from the inside of a warm house in the winter. I also have a wish-list of rides for the future!

Thank you to those who made the contest possible and shared your images with us. Our thanks to Gregg Bleakney for being our judge, and to Velo Orange for matching our winners’ prizes! And finally, a thank you to all of you who followed along. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

It was an excellent month, and I’m looking forward to 2011. In the meantime, it’s time to ride and take some pictures!

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