Randonneurmas Day 12: Sticking together

It’s been one of the most poignant Christmas seasons I can remember. We’re seen a terrible tragedy and are now facing an unsettled economic future — again.

The one thing for certain are our friends and family. Times may seem tough, but with your love and friendship, we’ve gotten through 2012 with our hopes and dreams undiminished.

MG and I have been blessed this year to ride many miles with our randonneur pals old and new.

On the Colorado-Wyoming Border, just after dawn.
On the Colorado-Wyoming Border, just after dawn.

We’ve also made some great new friends among the Washington bike commuter crowd.

Friday Coffee Club started out with these fine folks last January.
Friday Coffee Club started out with these fine folks last January.
And now has grown to a great weekly gathering.
And now has grown to a great weekly gathering.

We’ve seen a fellow rider come back to the bike strong and happy.

Our pal George S., back on the bike and loving it.
Our pal George S., back on the bike and loving it.

We’ve met our new nephew.

Little Eli, ready to face the world.
Little Eli, ready to face the world.

And we spent time together in the desert Southwest.

MG, daughter DF, and sister Marisa. That was a good day.
MG, daughter DF, and sister Marisa. That was a good day.

Finally, we spent a week on the road touring the hills of southern Virginia, pedaling ourselves into happy exhaustion. Thanks MG!

In Floyd, Va., late summer, nothing to do but ride.
In Floyd, Va., late summer, nothing to do but ride.

You guys have all been great to us this year. We’re glad to know you and appreciate all the laughs.  May you all have a peaceful holiday season, and that we have more memorable times together in 2013.

7 thoughts on “Randonneurmas Day 12: Sticking together

  1. A great way to end the year! I’m honored to be among those mentioned in the post. I feel quite the same way. Wish I were closer to make it to one of the Friday Coffee Club meet-ups. Looking forward to riding with you both in 2013. Happy New Year!

  2. Was such a good riding year for me with many firsts. Thanks for letting me ride your wheel; i enjoyed riding with you guys. The Road Less Traveled was epic.

  3. What a year! It’s hard to believe that Friday Coffee Club has grown so much in such a short time.
    It’s been great getting to know you and MG, and the DC biking community. Looking forward to many good rides and meetups in 2013!

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